XJTLU unveils second Digital Learning Resources Hub

19 Dec 2018

A second Digital Learning Resources Hub was launched in the International Research Centre on the South Campus of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.

The Hub is equipped with professional equipment and technology to further enable staff to employ ‘flipped classroom’ methods in their teaching, and to improve pedagogical efficiency.

The first Digital Learning Resources Hub at XJTLU opened in 2016 in the Central Building on the North Campus.

“We use digital resources to help teachers and students in their teaching and learning,” said Professor Youmin Xi, executive president of XJTLU.

“Another digital learning resources hub will be established in the Entrepreneur College at Taicang to promote online education,” he said.

Roland Sherwood (pictured above, second from the left), head of the Educational Technologies Team of the Institute of Leadership and Education Advanced Development, said:

“Teachers may use this equipment to create high-quality learning materials, such as videos and audio material. Students can then preview and review the content anywhere, anytime, before or after a class, on any device.

“Compared with the first Digital Learning Resources Hub,” he continued, “the newly-established one has a larger capacity, enabling more teachers to film and record lecture-style content of higher quality, thanks to more advanced equipment.

“The new Digital Learning Resources Hub is on the 8th floor of the International Research Centre, and teaching staff are welcome to use it by first making a reservation on ICE, the University’s online learning platform,” he said.

By Hongjing Gou; translated by Boqiang Xiao; edited by Yixue Yang

photos by Wenrui Chen

19 Dec 2018


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