28 Mar 2019
A brand-new virtual reality learning space officially opened at the Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Affiliated School this month.
The space was inspired by a research project by Zhiyuan Yu, a postgraduate student in the Department of Industrial Design at XJTLU, under the guidance of supervisor Dr Cheng-Hung Lo.
“The virtual reality learning space can facilitate both teaching and learning experiences at the elementary level, as it combines virtual reality and educational innovation,” said Dr Cheng-Hung Lo (pictured below the second from the right), who is based at the XJTLU School of Film and Television Arts.
According to Yu, the virtual reality learning space can design learning goals and assignments for students based on their interests and abilities.
“Virtual reality provides new ways of teaching, as it helps immerse students in a digital environment,” he said.
“For example, students can practice public speaking skills and learn in a setting that responds in real-time to their needs.”
When devising his project, Yu collected and analysed information on the current application of virtual reality technologies in education already available on the market.
“My design incorporated a number of functions that can satisfy the demands of young learners while also supporting research-oriented learning and teaching activities,” Yu said.
The XJTLU Affiliated School built the new space based on Yu’s research and design.
Dr Lo says in the future, XJTLU hopes to continue to strengthen its collaboration with the affiliated school to explore more possibilities in educational innovation using virtual reality.
Story and images provided by the Department of Industrial Design
translated by Boqiang Xiao; edited by Yixue Yang and Rosanna Galvin
28 Mar 2019

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