Department of Computing

Department of Computing

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XJTLU students named outstanding winners in international maths contest

XJTLU students named outstanding winners in international maths contest

A group of undergraduate students from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University has beaten more than 1...

22 May 2019
Research: developing the cognitive hearing aid

Research: developing the cognitive hearing aid

“When we talk to each other, we don’t just rely on sound,” says Dr Andrew Abel from the Departmen...

04 Dec 2018
Meet the XJTLU alumni forging careers at retail giant Alibaba

Meet the XJTLU alumni forging careers at retail giant Alibaba

A number of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University alumni, who now work for Chinese multinational co...

19 Nov 2018
XJTLU contributes to research on Chinese perceptions of Scotland

XJTLU contributes to research on Chinese perceptions of Scotland

An interdisciplinary team from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, collaborating on a research p...

05 Nov 2018
XJTLU scholars join Suzhou committee on AI and big data

XJTLU scholars join Suzhou committee on AI and big data

The Suzhou Association of Artificial Intelligence - Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligenc...

05 Nov 2018
XJTLU makes top 100 debut in inaugural QS China rankings

XJTLU makes top 100 debut in inaugural QS China rankings


16 Oct 2018
Students develop rehabilitation equipment for stroke patients

Students develop rehabilitation equipment for stroke patients

“Some designers like to explore different possibilities with conceptual designs, but I prefer to ...

10 Oct 2018
‘Action recognition’ for surveillance and medical care

‘Action recognition’ for surveillance and medical care

Many crowded places such as airports, train stations, and shopping malls are monitored by closed-...

28 Sep 2018
Students secure spot in Bosch Hackathon final

Students secure spot in Bosch Hackathon final

A team of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University students successfully reached the final of the Bosc...

13 Sep 2018