CAPED: China-based Association for Partnership Educational Development
A New Educational Developers Association for Sino-Foreign Schools, Programmes, Partnerships and Joint Ventures
CAPED is a new association for English-speaking educational and academic developers in China formed by the Educational Development Unit of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Our vision is to create a network supported by institutions, programmes, and developers in Beijing-time locations to share knowledge, experience and expertise, as well as support ongoing learning. This network will not only form a community of practice to reflect upon and deepen this knowledge, but also will share it with sectors for global development. As such, we are always looking for new partners for educational development. Please kindly reach out to us if your unit, school or institution has a primary contact for preliminary discussions, especially on the following ideas:
Reciprocal visits to deliver and observe professional development as well as liaise with counterparts
Regional networking and professional development tours
A panel of developers for a coming May 2020 meeting at XJTLU to finalise a common mission, vision and design of the organisation
Papers and strategy documents reflecting our shared perspective
A digital OER library of artefacts with the goal of supporting learning and teaching in our contexts
Speaking engagements in “home” countries to better communicate the needs of overseas students.
Please contact Charlie Reis if you are interested in participating in CAPED.
CAPED: China-based Association for Partnership Educational Development
A New Educational Developers Association for Sino-Foreign Schools, Programmes, Partnerships and Joint Ventures
CAPED is a new association for English-speaking educational and academic developers in China formed by the Educational Development Unit of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Our vision is to create a network supported by institutions, programmes, and developers in Beijing-time locations to share knowledge, experience and expertise, as well as support ongoing learning. This network will not only form a community of practice to reflect upon and deepen this knowledge, but also will share it with sectors for global development. As such, we are always looking for new partners for educational development. Please kindly reach out to us if your unit, school or institution has a primary contact for preliminary discussions, especially on the following ideas:
Please contact Charlie Reis if you are interested in participating in CAPED.