University guard awarded blood donation dedication gold award

21 Jun 2016

Mr Baohua Chen, staff from the Property Management Office at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University was recently awarded the “2014-2015 Annual Blood Donation Dedication Gold Award” by Ms Lei Sheng, deputy mayor of Suzhou, in the commendation meeting for celebrating World Blood Donor Day.

The award ceremony was co-organised by Suzhou Culture Civilisation Development Committee, Suzhou Directing Office of Blood Donation and Red Cross Society of China, Suzhou Branch.

Mr Chen has shown his dedication to both the wider community and students and in 2011 he won the titles of “Sweetest Guard of Suzhou” and “Kind Citizen of Suzhou Industrial Park” for quietly pumping up the bikes for XJTLU staff and students on campus. He was also selected as one of the “Inspiring XJTLU Persons of the Year 2011-2012”.

Mr Chen also often donates blood at various blood donation stations and organises XJTLU guards to donate blood regularly and assist the community. He said: “I donated blood once a month at the beginning, and then twice a month because of the change in the blood donation policy. In this way, I can donate more than a dozen times a year on average.”

“Many people think it is silly to donate blood without repayment, but I gain happiness in the process of helping others, which makes my life more fulfilled and meaningful”, continued Mr Chen.

There are seven people in the non-remunerated blood donation team at XJTLU Property Management Office: Baohua Chen, Shuo Huang, Baochen Wu, Xiaorong Wen, Tengteng Liu, Yanfei Liu and Suchuan Zhang.

Besides regular blood donation, the team also participates in non-remunerated voluntary service activities any blood donated by the team has so far matched twice with XJTLU students which has assisted them during their illness. Reflecting on his work at XJTLU, Mr Chen said: “I like the working environment here and XJTLU staff are very nice. I am very happy to work here.”

Annually on 14 June, countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day. The event, which was established in 2004, serves to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products, and to thank blood donors for their voluntary, life-saving gift of blood.

21 Jun 2016