Postgraduate Research Scholarship 202122 Round 1 Application

21 Sep 2021

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) invites applications for its Postgraduate Research Scholarship (PGRS) 202122 Round 1 Entry. A full scholarship can cover the total programme tuition fee and a monthly stipend of up to RMB5,000.

The deadline for Round 1's applications is: 5:00pm, October 15 2021 (Friday). Early application is strongly encouraged.

One to one feedback on the format and completeness of the application will only be provided if the application was submitted no later than noon October 11.

The scholarships could be awarded to the top applications from any one of the following PhD programmes, including

  • China Studies PhD
  • English Culture and Communication PhD (which covers areas including Applied Linguistics, Literature, Translation and Interpreting, and Media and Communication)
  • International Relations PhD

Our PhD programme is a strategic research collaboration between XJTLU and the University of Liverpool, based at XJTLU. Upon successful completion of the programme students will receive a degree from the University of Liverpool, which is recognised by the UK’s Department of Education as well as China’s Ministry of Education.

Interested applicants can submit an application which address one of the research topics that are under the above areas of study. Details of PGRS student application process can be found here.

The funding decision will be announced at the end of December 2021.

Should there be any quires about Postgraduate Research Scholarship, please e-mail the Graduate School of XJTLU at

By Ying Jiang

21 Sep 2021