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Students unite in ‘Olympic’ contest for sustainable homes
Zhangjiakou, one of the three main 2022 Winter Olympics events sites, is also host to another “Ol...
04 Feb 2022Can AI predict thermal comfort from the layout of a room?
We spend more than 90% of our time indoors, so it’s essential that buildings are designed to maxi...
25 Jan 2022Sustainability: public transport with Dr Sophie Sturup
In part 3 of our sustainability series, Dr Sophie Sturup, of the Department of Urban Planning and...
21 Dec 2021Shanghai exhibition: Connection of people and place
The Design School at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) recently joined other top art an...
18 Dec 2021XJTLU presents future architecture ideas at Suzhou Design Week 2021
Last month, Suzhou Design Week 2021 kicked off with the theme Design, City, Future. Academics and...
08 Dec 2021SAT and Design students develop VR games for rehabilitation
Rehabilitation exercises are a regular part of their lives for some patients recovering from inju...
03 Dec 2021XJTLU Architecture student nominated for President’s Bronze Medal by RIBA
"Twisted City", a Final Year Project from Xi Chen who just graduated from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpoo...
30 Nov 2021Architecture Futures competition celebrates the Department's 10th anniversary
Architecture Futures, an ideas competition held over the summer and open to alumni and students, ...
15 Nov 2021Design Charrette produces innovative cleaning ideas
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University’s Design School recently held a two-day Design Charrette with...
12 Nov 2021