International Innovation Hub

International Innovation Hub

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Prize winning epidemic themed App at 2020 XJTLU Hackathon Final

Prize winning epidemic themed App at 2020 XJTLU Hackathon Final

The 2020 XJTLU AI Innovation Hackathon Preliminary, which was held in February, saw 24 teams cons...

19 Apr 2020
XJTLU students impress at Schindler-sponsored hackathon

XJTLU students impress at Schindler-sponsored hackathon

Over 150 participants took part in the New Transport Experience Hackathon held at Xi’an Jiaotong-...

11 Dec 2018
22 Hong Kong entrepreneurs the newest mentors at XJTLU

22 Hong Kong entrepreneurs the newest mentors at XJTLU

Twenty-two Hong Kong entrepreneurs will join the Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University community as...

28 Nov 2018
XJTLU launches Innovation Factory

XJTLU launches Innovation Factory

Hundreds of staff and students attended the launch of the Innovation Factory which was held at Xi...

01 Nov 2018
Workshops to help local entrepreneurs update their skills

Workshops to help local entrepreneurs update their skills

The first of a series of workshops for young entrepreneurs, sponsored by the International Innova...

20 Sep 2018
Students secure spot in Bosch Hackathon final

Students secure spot in Bosch Hackathon final

A team of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University students successfully reached the final of the Bosc...

13 Sep 2018
Students show their innovative talents at Hackathon

Students show their innovative talents at Hackathon

A competition focused on innovation in the field of artificial intelligence was held at Xi’an Jia...

16 Jul 2018
How the IIH at XJTLU is fostering innovation and entrepreneurship

How the IIH at XJTLU is fostering innovation and entrepreneurship

A series of cultural activities on innovation and entrepreneurship was held at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liv...

20 Jun 2018
What is Syntegrative Education and IETE? XJTLU leaders explain

What is Syntegrative Education and IETE? XJTLU leaders explain

A lecture series at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is offering students the chance to learn ...

23 Mar 2018