Design School

Design School

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XJTLU in the Media in August and September

XJTLU in the Media in August and September

During the past two months, XJTLU was mentioned in media reports from outlets including China Cen...

29 Sep 2021
Future Suzhou: XJTLU scholars discuss future cities in new book

Future Suzhou: XJTLU scholars discuss future cities in new book

In the last few decades, Suzhou has transformed at a miraculous speed into an important modern ci...

27 Sep 2021
XJTLU adds Social Sciences to its ESI Top 1% fields

XJTLU adds Social Sciences to its ESI Top 1% fields

This month, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University entered Clarivate’s Essential Science Indicators ...

27 Sep 2021
New staff member in the Department of Civil Engineering: Dr Yao Sun

New staff member in the Department of Civil Engineering: Dr Yao Sun

The Department of Civil Engineering at XJTLU is happy to welcome Dr Yao Sun as its new staff memb...

22 Sep 2021
2021 Teachers’ Day Letter from the Executive President

2021 Teachers’ Day Letter from the Executive President

Light Shining through the Cracks Dear colleagues, Today marks the 37th National Teachers’ Day, ...

09 Sep 2021
‘Mourning Clock’ design wins international competition

‘Mourning Clock’ design wins international competition

A group of Industrial Design students at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University won an international...

30 Aug 2021
XJTLU Design School takes Degree Show off campus for the first time

XJTLU Design School takes Degree Show off campus for the first time

The Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University’s Design School has taken its Degree Show showcasing stud...

23 Aug 2021
New staff members in the Department of Architecture

New staff members in the Department of Architecture

The Department of Architecture at XJTLU is excited to welcome new staff members. With their vario...

22 Aug 2021
Study: Heat death risk intervention tailoring should not stop at city level

Study: Heat death risk intervention tailoring should not stop at city level

Extreme heat is a leading cause of weather-related human mortality throughout much of the world, ...

19 Aug 2021