Teaching assistant - Intelligent Manufacturing Ecosystem
- About Taicang
- Syntegrative Education
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- Block Teaching
- Teaching assistant - CHIPS
- Teaching assistant - SCT
- Teaching assistant - AIAC
- Teaching assistant - Intelligent Finance and Business
- Teaching assistant - Intelligent Manufacturing Ecosystem
- Teaching assistant - Internet of Things
- Teaching assistant - Robotics
- Teaching Assistant - Entrepreneurship & Enterprise Hub
Applications are invited for teaching assistant (TA) positions in the School of Intelligent Manufacturing Ecosystem at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU). The TA positions are open for all qualified interested graduate students (Masters and PhD students) on the campus of XJTLU or other graduates in Suzhou.
TA duties include:
Modules include:
Skills and requirements
The Pay rate for academic year 2023-24
How to apply
Applicants should submit their application to IME@xjtlu.edu.cn by 16 August 2023.
Applicants are required to provide a CV and a picture of their student ID.
For XJTLU students, please apply for TA positions through the Teaching Assistant Management System (TAMS) https://ta.xjtlu.edu.cn directly.