

Here you can find the latest IBSS Department of Intelligent Operations and Marketing news on areas such as student achievements, book publications, keynote speeches, faculty awards and special issue journals.

Keynote Speeches

  • Eunkyung Lee. “Bounded rationality, adaptive evolution, and complexity in financial markets”, the 10th-11th Emergency Management Scientists Forum and Financial Risk Management Forum, 26-27 November 2022.
  • Lixian Qian. The Role of Shared Charging Stations in Driving up Electric Vehicle Adoption”, the 2021 Research Workshop on Digital Innovation and Development in Sharing Platforms, Ningbo, China, 15-16 July 2021.

Special Issues

  • Guest Editor: Didier Soopramanien. Special issue Individual and Cultural Differences in Sustainable Consumer Behavior in Frontiers in Psychology (2022)
  • Guest Editor: Lixian Qian. Special issue on “Consumers’ Transport and Mobility Decisions” in Journal of Consumer Behaviour (2021-2022)
  • Guest Editor: Wangshuai Wang. JCB Special Issue on “Marketing in the Post-Pandemic World (2022)
  • Guest Editor: Didier Soopramanien. Special Issue on Consumers’ Transport and Mobility Decisions in Journal of Consumer Behaviour (2021)
  • Guest Editor: Didier Soopramanien. Special Issue on Cutting-edge technologies for small business and innovation in the era of COVID-19 global health pandemic, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (2020)

Media coverage


Join IBSS to discover a new chapter in business education | Chicago

26 Jul 2024
Join IBSS to discover a new chapter in business education | Chicago


13 Jul 2024

Dr Wangwang Shuai and Dr. Huijun Shen has been honoured ‘2024 Jiangsu Province Talent Programme Qinglan Project Excellent Young Scholar’.

30 May 2024
Dr Wangwang Shuai and Dr. Huijun Shen has been honoured ‘2024 Jiangsu Province Talent Programme Qinglan Project Excellent Young Scholar’.