Dean’s Message

Dean’s Message

Dean's Message


Dear Distinguished Professors, Staff, Students, Collaborative Partners, Ladies and Gentlemen,


It gives me great pleasure to welcome each of you to the School of Internet of Things (IoT) and a year full of promise, innovation, and growth. We are embarking on an exciting adventure to redefine and restructure our School to address the changing needs of the digital age better. We are not only improving our facilities and curriculum as part of our quest for greatness. Instead, we are starting a revolutionary quest to create a community based on unbridled creativity, trust, and teamwork.

We must recognize and applaud the achievements of our faculty and students to uplift morale and inspire excellence. Let us find inspiration in their pioneering research endeavors spanning Smart Solutions, Telecommunication, Wireless Communication, Embedded Systems, Cloud Computing, Sensor Networks, Wearable Technologies, Cyber-Physical Systems, Monitoring, Controls, and AI-enhanced IoT in Engineering Education. These remarkable accomplishments serve as guiding lights, propelling us toward new horizons and energizing our mission to redefine boundaries in both innovation and education within the realm of Intelligent Systems.

However, genuine achievement cannot be attained on its own. It calls for the cooperative efforts of people brought together by a shared goal. As we strive to promote teamwork and cooperation, let us embrace the power of synergy, recognizing that our collective potential far exceeds the sum of our individual talents. Let’s embrace the power of synergy and acknowledge that our combined potential is far greater than the sum of our individual talents as we seek to promote collaboration and teamwork.

Enhancing student recruitment and retention is essential to our goal. Not only do we want to draw in the greatest and brightest minds, but we also want to give them an unmatched educational experience that equips them for the challenges of the future. Through mentorship, unparalleled support, and tailored advice, we want to enable our students to reach their maximum potential and emerge as leaders in the IoT domain. Ultimately, it is our responsibility as stewards of the world to ensure our program is sustainable for future generations. We can reduce our environmental impact and help create a more sustainable future by embracing technology for good and implementing eco-friendly practices.

In closing, I invite each and every one of you to join me on this incredible journey of transformation and growth. Together, we build a School of IoT that meets today’s needs and anticipates tomorrow’s challenges. With passion in our hearts and innovation in our minds, there is no limit to what we can achieve.

Welcome to the future of the School of the Internet of Things.


Dr Matilda Isaac

Dean (Interim) , School of Internet of Things (IoT)