Shiyao Zhang
BEng, XJTLU; MSc, University of Edinburgh; Ph.D, Computer Science and Software Engineering. Research Interest Focus: Generative agents and data ontology.
Xueyan Yao
BEng, National Huaqiao University; MSc, University of Sydney; Ph.D, Computer Science and Software Engineering. Research Interest Focus: Reinforcement learning in robotics; Multi-source sensor fusion; Autonomous navigation; Robotics and autonomous systems; Machine learning in real-time applications.
Medhav Kumar Goonjur
BEng & MEng, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology; Ph.D, Electronic and Electrical Engineering. Research Interest Focus: Computational offloading and resource allocation; F-RAN; 6G Networks; Digital twins technology; UAV.
Yue Li
BA, Donghua University; MA, Loughborough University; Ph.D, Computer Science and Software Engineering. Research Interest Focus: Multi-sensory design; HCI affordance changes under the context of AI.
Sida Huang
BSc, XJTLU; MSc, University of Sydney; Ph.D, Computer Science and Software Engineering. Research Interest Focus: Improve the trust in blockchain-based data trading.
Doctoral Programmes
The normal length of full-time PhD programme is three years, and is based at XJTLU.
Upon successful completion, our PhDs will receive a degree from the University of Liverpool, which is recognised by the UK’s Department of Education as well as China’s Ministry of Education.
The PhD candidates will be appointed a designated primary (local) supervisor at XJTLU, who is a full-time member of academic staff. In addition, the candidates will also have a designated secondary supervisor based at the University of Liverpool.
They have the opportunity to apply for a research visit to the University of Liverpool for up to three months. The accommodation and travel fees will be covered by XJTLU and the University of Liverpool. Full-time PhD students are funded to attend local and international conferences during their studies.
Our PhD Students