英国利物浦大学交换生Cameron Peacock:
这是一次绝佳的学习中文的体验。课程很有吸引力,也很有趣,老师根据你的学习能力调整课程节奏。我迫不及待地想在将来与其他人一起练习我学到的中文!(It’s been a great experience learning the Chinese language. The sessions have been engaging and fun, with the pace at which the lesson is taught being tailored to your ability to learn. I can’t wait to practice what I have learnt with others in the future!)
挪威商学院Eirik Hjalte:
中文学习起来很有趣,因为它和挪威语很不一样。你不会觉得自己在学习一门外语,而是觉得自己在学习、了解一种全新的文化。(Chinese is so fun to learn because it is so different from Norwegian. You do not feel like you are learning a foreign language, instead you feel like you are learning to know a whole new culture.)
西交利物浦大学与世界各地众多高校建立了伙伴关系。每年有超过两百名交换生和访问生参与我们的中文课程,并且这一数字还在逐年迅速增长中。为更好地满足交换生和访问生的中文学习需求,我们设计了专门的中文课程,并采用有针对性的教学材料。如果贵校有兴趣与我们建立合作伙伴关系,请联系: studyabroad@xjtlu.edu.cn。
英国利物浦大学交换生Cameron Peacock:
这是一次绝佳的学习中文的体验。课程很有吸引力,也很有趣,老师根据你的学习能力调整课程节奏。我迫不及待地想在将来与其他人一起练习我学到的中文!(It’s been a great experience learning the Chinese language. The sessions have been engaging and fun, with the pace at which the lesson is taught being tailored to your ability to learn. I can’t wait to practice what I have learnt with others in the future!)
挪威商学院Eirik Hjalte:
中文学习起来很有趣,因为它和挪威语很不一样。你不会觉得自己在学习一门外语,而是觉得自己在学习、了解一种全新的文化。(Chinese is so fun to learn because it is so different from Norwegian. You do not feel like you are learning a foreign language, instead you feel like you are learning to know a whole new culture.)