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XJTLU students in Global Challenges competition

XJTLU students in Global Challenges competition

Students at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University are taking part in Global Challenges, a worldwide...

12 Sep 2017
Vice President for Academic Affairs appointed

Vice President for Academic Affairs appointed

Professor David Goodman has been appointed vice president for academic affairs at Xi'an Jiaotong-...

11 Sep 2017
New appointments in SoFTA and Mathematical Sciences

New appointments in SoFTA and Mathematical Sciences

Adam McIlwaine has been appointed professor and dean of the School of Film and TV Arts, and Dr Fe...

11 Jul 2017
Future strategies of XJTLU outlined at leadership workshop

Future strategies of XJTLU outlined at leadership workshop

The Senior Management Team of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University met with heads of departments a...

06 Jul 2017
Analytics is the new combustion engine says visiting academic

Analytics is the new combustion engine says visiting academic

Experts in the fields of big data and business intelligence met at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool Unive...

28 Jun 2017
New educational model and achievements shared at IBSS monthly gathering

New educational model and achievements shared at IBSS monthly gathering

The exploration of a new educational model and research-led teaching was shared by Professor Youm...

14 Jun 2017
VIDEO: Round-table on Made in China 2025

VIDEO: Round-table on Made in China 2025

Experts met at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University for a panel discussion on how academia, corp...

02 Jun 2017
XJTLU explores new Syntegrative Education model

XJTLU explores new Syntegrative Education model

An announcement conference and agreements signing for a tailored education project was held at Xi...

26 May 2017
Liverpool government delegation visits XJTLU

Liverpool government delegation visits XJTLU

A delegation from the Liverpool city government visited Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University to ex...

26 May 2017