Environments Sciences

Environments Sciences

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Fracking “inconsistent” with climate change mitigation policies

Fracking “inconsistent” with climate change mitigation policies

As ministers from around the world gather at COP21 in Paris in a bid to come to an agreement o...

08 Dec 2015
Student voices heard ahead of climate change talks

Student voices heard ahead of climate change talks

Young environmentalists at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University have been given a voice ahead of c...

01 Dec 2015
XJTLU staff and students speak at TEDx Youth@Suzhou

XJTLU staff and students speak at TEDx Youth@Suzhou

Two students and a member of academic staff from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University spoke at ...

24 Nov 2015
Journey of discovery to Wujiang Taihu New City

Journey of discovery to Wujiang Taihu New City

A group of Year Three students from the Departments of Urban Planning and Design and Environme...

30 Oct 2015
XJTLU Organises Onsite Review for Degree Awarding Power

XJTLU Organises Onsite Review for Degree Awarding Power

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) was approved to open two undergraduate programmes ...

01 Jun 2015