Environments Sciences

Environments Sciences

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Braiding community values with science is key to ecosystem restoration

Braiding community values with science is key to ecosystem restoration

A research team comprising local Tibetans and academics from the UK and China demonstrate that local community members are indispensable partners in enhancing community engagement in repairing damaged ecosystems and achieving long-term success.

08 Jul 2024
XJTLU Students Win Second Prize in the DWA Global University Challenge

XJTLU Students Win Second Prize in the DWA Global University Challenge

On April 20th, at the DWA Global University Challenge held at the Shanghai New International Expo...

30 Apr 2024
Students visiting Suzhou Wuzhong Meteorological Bureau

Students visiting Suzhou Wuzhong Meteorological Bureau

The 23rd of March is the World Meteorological Day. This year, the theme for World Meteorologi...

09 Apr 2024
Study highlights China’s sustainable food system potential

Study highlights China’s sustainable food system potential

Agriculture covers one-third of Earth’s land surface and directly impacts human survival, climate...

19 Sep 2022
Low zinc concentration in soil may increase Covid-19 fatalities

Low zinc concentration in soil may increase Covid-19 fatalities

A research team from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University recently investigated the association be...

14 Mar 2022
Students win first prize at China University Students Research Competition

Students win first prize at China University Students Research Competition

A team from XJTLU’s Department of Health and Environmental Science has won first prize at the awa...

18 Feb 2022
Recent XJTLU graduate learns through organising COP15 parallel forum

Recent XJTLU graduate learns through organising COP15 parallel forum

Involving local communities in biodiversity protection is critical, says a recent Xi’an Jiaoton...

13 Oct 2021
New curriculum for the Department of Health and Environmental Science

New curriculum for the Department of Health and Environmental Science

“We are living a very important time for the environment. I think that for many young people, env...

30 Sep 2021
New staff member in the department of environmental science

New staff member in the department of environmental science

"I like the innovative education, the fusion of Chinese and Western culture and also the harmonio...

28 Sep 2021