Learning and Teaching

Learning and Teaching

The Chinese Cultural Teaching Centre uses multi-platform and interactional teaching approaches to deliver its courses.


Compulsory courses

Some courses are compulsory for Year One students and feature teaching combined with self-managed learning before and after class.

Optional courses

Optional courses are non-credit bearing and available to all university students. They focus on a range of interesting and practical topics and students are able to choose courses depending on their own interests and needs. They cover literature and arts, history and social studies, science, general skills, innovation and entrepreneurship, and practical courses. Optional courses are offered in the evenings, at weekends, and during the summer holidays.

Examples of popular optional courses include:

  • Astronomy
  • Aerobics
  • Table tennis
  • Suzhou cultural heritage and local arts
  • Classical English calligraphy
  • The game of Go
  • Bridge
  • Fundamentals of piano and music composition
  • The growth of the XJTLU entrepreneur
  • Fencing
  • Sex, reproduction and human health
  • Latin dance
  • German
  • The Beauty of modern poetry
  • French
  • Oral health
  • Currency banking
  • Stock investment
  • Tea ceremony
  • MS Office
  • Verbal expression and presentation skills
  • Movie appreciation
  • Oil painting
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Boxing
  • Body shaping
  • Spinning
  • Ukulele
  • Chinese flute and xiao
  • Cocktail mixing
  • Wine tasting.


Students can sign-up through the ICE platform.

Micro courses

Micro courses are delivered online and available to all students. Their format allow students to express themselves, share their opinions and teach other students through one or a series of three-minute videos. Students can use their time away from the classroom to learn using their mobile phones to access the online platform.

Micro courses were delivered under the concept that learning is about more than just listening to lecturers. Active learning comes when students act as the teacher themselves and pass on knowledge and tools that they have learnt or acquired to others.

Learning system

Teaching delivered by the CCTC is focused on the interaction between teachers and students, both through face to face learning and online delivery. Teaching takes place before, during and after classes.