Hongyi Zhu 博士(PHD DEGREE)



Hongyi Zhu, doctor of engineering, Jiangsu provincial entrepreneurship talent.


Deputy General Manager of Apon Medical (stock code 300753), in charge of the Apon group's research and development.  Prior to joining Apon, he worked in r&d technology and management for Siemens, GENERAL Electric, Medtronic and Smith Medical.  He has participated in and led the development of superconducting MAGNETIC resonance imaging system, ventilator, special endotracheal intubation, EEG/BRAIN oxygen monitoring, infusion equipment and other products.  The products he participated in and led in r&d have been sold to more than 100 countries and gained tens of billions of yuan in sales.  


Dr. Hongyi Zhu studied in Zhejiang University and published more than 20 papers, all of which were cited by SCI and EI.  His current research interests include precise infusion, pain assessment based on physiological parameters, portable EEG acquisition devices and eeg analysis, automatic neural recognition based on ultrasound images, and anesthesia puncture robots.  
Hongyi Zhu