XJTLU - Baidu Artificial Intelligence Innovation Alliance

Education reform – the responsibility we share; Industry empowerment – the common values we pursue; Diverse stakeholder integration – the AI industry ecosystem we promote;

XJTLU - Baidu Artificial Intelligence Innovation Alliance

The era of artificial intelligence has already begun.

“The development of AI is as fundamental as the creation of the microprocessor, the personal computer, the internet, and the mobile phone.”

Bill Gates

XJTLU – Baidu Artificial Intelligence Innovation Alliance

The XJTLU-Baidu Artificial Intelligence Innovation Alliance is an important initiative of XJTLU to implement the University’s development plan for the 2nd fifteen years. Following the establishment of the XJTLU Wisdom Lake Academy of Pharmacy, this is the second initiative that centers around the industrial development strategy of Suzhou and the Suzhou Industrial Park. It actively promotes the integration of science and education, the integration of industry and academia, and proactively promotes the development of an industry ecosystem.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterised by networking and intelligence, is rapidly evolving towards broader, deeper, and more revolutionary directions due to the rapid development of AI technologies. The highly anticipated GPT-4 engine showcases its astonishing interdisciplinary creative capabilities. It is clear that, as AI systems iterate and develop, the impact of future technologies will be even more profound, as humanity finds itself on the verge of going through the most significant change since its evolution to Homo Sapiens. Some have started to ponder whether GPT is the beginning of a new civilization for humanity, or the start of the end of our current civilization. Will the vast majority of people be relegated to a class defined by their inability to create value?

However, if we could effectively manage the risks of GPT in terms of transparency and controllability through a “Human + Generative AI” mechanism, we believe that “AI superhumans” with humanlike consciousness, but without human physical limitations, might help foster more powerful productivity, additional commercial applications, higher employment rates and superior business prospects for our society. This can create extensive and profound individual, commercial, and social values, leading to a more vibrant and flourishing society and civilization.

Embracing this new world and future requires self-empowerment and consciousness from individuals, organizations, and societies alike. This entails having a stronger generative capability (G), more robust pre-training (P), a proactive spirit and drives for transformation (T), and, most importantly, an innovative and forward-thinking mindset.

The XJTLU-Baidu Artificial Intelligence Innovation Alliance is a collaborative initiative between education (Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University), technology (Baidu), and the business community (Suzhou Industrial Park). It is built on shared values, social responsibilities, and future perspectives, with a constant commitment to exploration and excellence. The alliance aims to empower, reshape, and transform future talents, educators, technology, and industries. It will accomplish this through integrative mechanisms and innovative practices, setting pioneering examples and leading the way for the future.

Click here to download the AIIA brochure

How will AI advance and evolve? How will it work and integrate with mankind? The XJTLU – Baidu Artificial Intelligence Innovation Alliance is our attempt to create a platform that can empower our society to unlock the power of innovation, driving infinite possibilities within an open-ended ecosystem.

Message from the Executive President of XJTLU, Professor Youmin Xi

The strategic partnership that Baidu has entered with XJTLU enables us to integrate and leverage resources across industry, academia, and research for the benefit of the public. The grand journey lies ahead, with AI as the oar, bringing together all the talents so we can stride forward into the distant waves.

Message from the Executive Vice President of Baidu, Dr Shen Dou

I hope that the XJTLU-Baidu Artificial Intelligence Innovation Alliance can empower the initiative of “Smart Manufacturing in China” to set a leading example through practical applications, advancing technology, and promoting industrial upgrading.

Message from the Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Honorary Director of XJTLU – Baidu Artificial Intelligence Innovation Alliance, Professor Xiaohong Guan