Centre for Educational Innovation and Excellence (CEIE)

Centre for Educational Innovation and Excellence (CEIE)

What is CEIE?

To promote educational technologies in Higher Education (HE), the Centre for Educational Innovation and Excellence (CEIE) at Learning Mall (LM) selects efficient, effective and powerful technologies used by the staff of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) and other Higher Educational Institutions from different disciplines to do case studies. We would like to show how they use the new technologies, why they select them, and the results and benefits of using them in their courses. Beyond the technologies, we also analyse the teaching theories and strategies behind the technologies they have used.


Through these case studies, we hope to stimulate our facultys interest in educational technologies and encourage them to find better solutions through technologies to achieve their goals.


If you want to learn more about any of the case studies, please visit our webpage or share your teaching experience with technologies, please email us at ceie@learningmall.cn.