XR Lab

XR Lab

To support XJTLU community in utilizing and exploring XR (Extended Reality) technologies, and to foster innovation and creativity in the brand-new XR space, the XJTLU Learning Mall XR Lab has been established. It provides a space for innovation, research, and experimentation, aiming to:

  • Enable XJTLU community to access the most advanced XR technologies.
  • Increase engagement with XR technology among staff and students.
  • Offer a collaborative hub for XR users to exchange ideas, work together, and gain inspiration and motivation from their peers’ work.
  • Provide a dedicated offline space for teaching centered around the use of XR technology.
  • Create a unified and cohesive environment for the future development of XR on the XJTLU campus.
  • Position XJTLU at the forefront of innovative XR teaching applications both domestically and internationally.