30 Dec 2016
2016 was an important year for Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University with the celebration of the University’s 10th anniversary. The festivities proved that although young, the University was full of vitality and creativity.
During the anniversary celebrations, the University’s new South Campus was officially opened and the XJTLU community around the world celebrated together. The University of Liverpool in the UK joined with us to mark the occasion, while Liverpool Museum showcased a ‘XJTLU 10’ display case at its ‘East Meets West’ exhibit.
Being part of the ‘XJTLU community’ was something to be proud of, this year more than any other previously, and throughout the year, XJTLU acted as a bridge between China and the UK, working to improve the friendship and mutual understanding between the two countries through education and cultural cooperation and communication.
Looking back at 2016, XJTLU’s students also showcased their diverse stories of personal growth. XJTLU, with its increasingly active international academic community, supports talented young people to develop their own path in life and to be the best version of themselves.
In celebration of all the University has achieved in 2016, staff from XJTLU’s University Marketing and Communication office, who have covered all the events, achievements and celebrations for the University’s website news, have chosen some of the year’s most interesting and inspiring stories:
1. XJTLU marks 10th anniversary with day of celebrations
There was no other event this year that was a greater source of pride than celebrating XJTLU’s 10th anniversary in July.
2. Alumni celebrate 10th anniversary with Thames cruise party
The XJTLU Alumni Association celebrated the 10th anniversary with a stylish party on a cruise boat on London's River Thames.
3. UK minister for universities and science visits XJTLU
The visit of Jo Johnson MP, Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation, in September marked the first time a UK minister had visited XJTLU.
4. Yuting Sun: how I got an offer from Harvard University
In March, student Yuting Sun became the first XJTLU student to win a place at Harvard.
5. Student film wins at Shanghai short film festival
Postgraduate student Gleb Torubarov made his mark on the Shanghai film scene by winning a host of awards at the Shanghai International Short Film Festival.
6. Leading the global fight against migraine pain
PhD student Fan Bu is part of a team carrying out work that could have a significant impact on drugs developed to prevent and treat migraine – a disease that affects more than one billion people worldwide.
7. Students take to the stage in Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’
In the year that people around the world commemorated 400 years since Shakespeare’s death, students from XJTLU gave their own interpretation of his classic play ‘Hamlet’.
8. XJTLU student entrepreneurs are inspiring next generation of engineers
Entrepreneurship is difficult and these three XJTLU student became stronger and more resilient after repeated failure.
9. Student goes to US to discuss global environmental issues
Student Yijin Guo comes from a province that suffers from serious environmental pollution. But instead of turning his back he has become an advocate for environmental protection, gaining international experience and exposure.
30 Dec 2016