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Students win at international earthquake safety design contest

Students win at international earthquake safety design contest

Four architecture undergraduate students from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University achieved excell...

09 Oct 2018
‘Action recognition’ for surveillance and medical care

‘Action recognition’ for surveillance and medical care

Many crowded places such as airports, train stations, and shopping malls are monitored by closed-...

28 Sep 2018
Six XJTLU inventions acknowledged at intellectual property awards

Six XJTLU inventions acknowledged at intellectual property awards

Six patented inventions developed by Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University researchers have been re...

28 Sep 2018
Architect’s creative use of public space gains international recognition

Architect’s creative use of public space gains international recognition

Design work by Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University architecture lecturer Philip Fung has captured...

27 Sep 2018
Students from 37 countries celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival at XJTLU

Students from 37 countries celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival at XJTLU

Nearly 200 Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University students from 37 countries came together this week...

21 Sep 2018
Heritage conservation project wins top prize

Heritage conservation project wins top prize

How to preserve heritage in rural Chinese villages was the focus of an award-winning research pro...

20 Sep 2018
Workshops to help local entrepreneurs update their skills

Workshops to help local entrepreneurs update their skills

The first of a series of workshops for young entrepreneurs, sponsored by the International Innova...

20 Sep 2018
XJTLU student shares the infinite possibilities of AI

XJTLU student shares the infinite possibilities of AI

In recent years artificial intelligence has captured the imagination of the masses. There is both...

19 Sep 2018
More recognition for AI research at XJTLU

More recognition for AI research at XJTLU

Research projects led by Professor Kaizhu Huang from the Department of Electric and Electronic En...

17 Sep 2018