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Planning for a healthier future through urban design

Planning for a healthier future through urban design

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpoool University is working with the local Suzhou government and the Universi...

06 Mar 2019
XJTLU gets behind global initiative to create a gender-balanced world

XJTLU gets behind global initiative to create a gender-balanced world

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is joining the international movement to accelerate gender eq...

05 Mar 2019
XJTLU and Taicang government to establish new elementary school

XJTLU and Taicang government to establish new elementary school

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is set to open an elementary school in Taicang, Jiangsu provi...

01 Mar 2019
China Pangolin Research Centre to open at XJTLU

China Pangolin Research Centre to open at XJTLU


28 Feb 2019
XJTLU contributes to Suzhou’s innovation ecology

XJTLU contributes to Suzhou’s innovation ecology

“China now produces some of the most advanced AI-powered software in the world,” said Dr Chun Zha...

01 Feb 2019
Intelligent cameras wired to keep us safe

Intelligent cameras wired to keep us safe

Every day, millions of surveillance cameras around the world are collecting images and videos of ...

24 Jan 2019
Real estate and politics: the owners of the game

Real estate and politics: the owners of the game

In 2018 a record-number of Chinese fans tuned into the FIFA World Cup in Russia despite of the po...

17 Jan 2019
XJTLU student work featured on FlyingArchitecture website

XJTLU student work featured on FlyingArchitecture website

Work by Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University students has been published on the website of FlyingA...

09 Jan 2019
XJTLU researchers receive local government funding

XJTLU researchers receive local government funding

How can tourism planning better promote the sustainable development of the historic areas of Suzh...

08 Jan 2019