Environments Sciences

Environments Sciences

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Glory in the Stars as they Brightly Shine - ​Executive President’s Address at the 70th Anniversary National Celebration

Glory in the Stars as they Brightly Shine - ​Executive President’s Address at the 70th Anniversary National Celebration

Executive President’s Address at the 70th Anniversary National Celebration Glory in the Stars as...

30 Sep 2019
2019 Teachers’ Day Letter from the Executive President

2019 Teachers’ Day Letter from the Executive President

High Aspirations and Ambitions – Scholar, Teacher and Re-shaperDear teachers, colleagues and stud...

09 Sep 2019
2019 Opening Ceremony speech by XJTLU Executive President

2019 Opening Ceremony speech by XJTLU Executive President

Metamorphosis: From Giant Babies to ‘Global Players’Dear students, parents and friends,The hot su...

26 Aug 2019
Celebrating XJTLU’s graduating class of 2019

Celebrating XJTLU’s graduating class of 2019

A celebratory atmosphere is ringing out across Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University this week as a...

24 Jul 2019
Executive President's 2019 graduation address

Executive President's 2019 graduation address

Growing towards the futureDear graduates, colleagues, parents and friends,On this unforgettable d...

24 Jul 2019
Heritage conservation project wins top prize

Heritage conservation project wins top prize

How to preserve heritage in rural Chinese villages was the focus of an award-winning research pro...

20 Sep 2018
Impact of Chinese suburbia the focus for new department head

Impact of Chinese suburbia the focus for new department head

The rapidly developing city of Suzhou – renowned in China for its history and natural beauty – ex...

17 Sep 2018
XJTLU recognised for teaching excellence by local government

XJTLU recognised for teaching excellence by local government

Seventeen educators from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University have been commended by local governm...

12 Sep 2018
Executive President's Speech On 2018 Teachers' Day

Executive President's Speech On 2018 Teachers' Day

Leading in the Future with a “HeXie (Harmony) Mindset”A Letter for Teachers’ Day 2018Dear faculty...

07 Sep 2018