Environments Sciences

Environments Sciences

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Executive President, Professor Youmin Xi's 2018 Opening Ceremony Speech

Executive President, Professor Youmin Xi's 2018 Opening Ceremony Speech

Title: Avoid becoming part of the giant baby phenomenonDear students, parents, teachers, colleagu...

02 Sep 2018
The future starts today for more than 4600 new XJTLU students

The future starts today for more than 4600 new XJTLU students

‘Tomorrow begins with what you do today’ are the words Austrian student Thomas Palecek chooses to...

02 Sep 2018
XJTLU researchers develop new method to tackle soil pollution

XJTLU researchers develop new method to tackle soil pollution

Researchers at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University have developed a new low-cost method for reduc...

21 Jun 2018
Academic discusses wastewater management at UN Environment Assembly

Academic discusses wastewater management at UN Environment Assembly

Today’s technology and science-driven revolution, known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, offe...

10 Jan 2018
Pollutant detection research given international award

Pollutant detection research given international award


19 Dec 2017
Student research published in top engineering and technology journal

Student research published in top engineering and technology journal

There is a pressing need for novel gas sensing technologies in addressing the challenges of energ...

18 Dec 2017
XJTLU signs collaboration contract with Shanghai Jun Dao

XJTLU signs collaboration contract with Shanghai Jun Dao

A research collaboration contract between Shanghai Jun Dao Residential Industry Co., Ltd and the ...

06 Dec 2017
Recommendations for eco-civilisation and water environment protection

Recommendations for eco-civilisation and water environment protection

An international conference focused on the construction of an international ecological civilisati...

15 Nov 2017
Japanese scientists share wetland restoration knowledge

Japanese scientists share wetland restoration knowledge

Students from the Department of Environmental Science at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University visi...

26 Oct 2017