Department of Computing

Department of Computing

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VIDEO: XJTLU students paired with external mentors

VIDEO: XJTLU students paired with external mentors

assets/images/news/2016/05/external mentors XJTLU 5.jpg

19 May 2016
Students and external mentors paired at event

Students and external mentors paired at event

assets/images/news/2016/05/external mentors XJTLU 2.jpg

18 May 2016
XJTLU student describes transformation into an entrepreneurial talent

XJTLU student describes transformation into an entrepreneurial talent

Weihan Bo, a Year Four student in the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering at ...

05 May 2016
Promotions to professor for two XJTLU academics

Promotions to professor for two XJTLU academics

Two associate professors at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University have been promoted to professor s...

28 Apr 2016
VIDEO: Open day welcomes prospective students and their parents

VIDEO: Open day welcomes prospective students and their parents

   The Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Open Day attracted approximately 1,000 prospec...

27 Apr 2016
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships open to international students

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships open to international students

The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) programme at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool Univer...

27 Apr 2016
Prospective students and parents gain insights at XJTLU Open Day

Prospective students and parents gain insights at XJTLU Open Day

The Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Open Day, held last Saturday 23 April, attracted approxim...

26 Apr 2016
XJTLU and Wilshire Associates launch investment management certificate

XJTLU and Wilshire Associates launch investment management certificate

The Institute of Quantitative Finance at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is collaborating wit...

07 Apr 2016
Five hundred students take part in Lego Mindstorms Test

Five hundred students take part in Lego Mindstorms Test

The Lego Mindstorms project is hands-on practice for the CSE003 module that introduces the bas...

22 Dec 2015