Department of Computing

Department of Computing

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Press conference in Shanghai promotes syntegrative education

Press conference in Shanghai promotes syntegrative education

“Perhaps 10 percent of people in the future will become specialised elites or experts in a partic...

12 Dec 2017
Intelligent cars designed by XJTLU students are winners

Intelligent cars designed by XJTLU students are winners

Three teams of students from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University participated in the 12th NXP Cup...

11 Dec 2017
Virtual reality technology pushing the ‘reality’ boundary

Virtual reality technology pushing the ‘reality’ boundary

What is virtual reality (VR) technology? What changes has it brought to people's lives? Wil...

04 Dec 2017
AI Week at XJTLU

AI Week at XJTLU

Several artificial intelligence-related events were held at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University u...

20 Nov 2017
Monitoring visit by panel from University of Liverpool

Monitoring visit by panel from University of Liverpool

A panel of staff from the University of Liverpool, UK, visited Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool Universit...

16 Nov 2017
Research into deep learning for surveillance and public safety

Research into deep learning for surveillance and public safety

Do you have any behaviours that may impede safe driving such as driving when tired, making phone ...

09 Nov 2017
Student team develops classical Chinese translation software

Student team develops classical Chinese translation software

Classical Chinese, also known as Literary Chinese, is the language of classic literature used for...

18 Oct 2017
Air-conditioning research could lead to big energy savings

Air-conditioning research could lead to big energy savings

Mehdi Pazhoohesh, a postgraduate student at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, has been conduct...

21 Sep 2017
Creative research highlighted at SURF poster day

Creative research highlighted at SURF poster day

The 2017 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Poster Day was held at Xi’an Jiaotong-Li...

13 Sep 2017