Department of English

Department of English

All News

Symposium on application of translation technologies

Symposium on application of translation technologies

The 2017 Symposium on Translation Technology and Application was held on the South Campus of Xi'a...

05 Jan 2018
Language policy expert attracts students and scholars

Language policy expert attracts students and scholars

Professor Bernard Spolsky from Bar-llan University, Israel delivered a seminar entitled ‘Understa...

28 Dec 2017
Press conference in Shanghai promotes syntegrative education

Press conference in Shanghai promotes syntegrative education

“Perhaps 10 percent of people in the future will become specialised elites or experts in a partic...

12 Dec 2017
Language Centre staff edit book exploring learning English in China

Language Centre staff edit book exploring learning English in China

A book about language learning and teaching innovation was co-edited by academic staff from Xi’an...

23 Nov 2017
Tom Duggett edits Southey’s Colloquies for Routledge

Tom Duggett edits Southey’s Colloquies for Routledge

A new edition of an important work by Romantic-era poet and scholar Robert Southey has been edite...

14 Nov 2017
Postgraduate students begin new lives at XJTLU

Postgraduate students begin new lives at XJTLU

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University welcomed a new cohort of approximately 400 postgraduate stude...

14 Sep 2017
Creative research highlighted at SURF poster day

Creative research highlighted at SURF poster day

The 2017 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Poster Day was held at Xi’an Jiaotong-Li...

13 Sep 2017
Department of English staff edit TESOL International Journal

Department of English staff edit TESOL International Journal


11 Sep 2017
Induction lectures help students adapt to university life

Induction lectures help students adapt to university life

How to adapt rapidly to university life, transform from youth to young adults and then to global ...

31 Aug 2017