News in Brief

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Digital building platform service provider, XJTLU sign MoU

Digital building platform service provider, XJTLU sign MoU

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Glod...

25 Apr 2022
A fresh look at mental health: a new book on counselling and psychotherapy

A fresh look at mental health: a new book on counselling and psychotherapy

Our mental health affects every aspect of our lives. Most people have experienced mental health i...

19 Apr 2022
IBSS Joins Global RCE Network

IBSS Joins Global RCE Network

Recently, the Responsible and Sustainable Business Education Centre of International Business Sch...

04 Mar 2022
XJTLU signs MoU with CIOB online

XJTLU signs MoU with CIOB online

On 28 February 2022, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University signed a Memorandum of Understanding wit...

04 Mar 2022
Suzhou’s second computer-based IELTS test centre opens at XJTLU

Suzhou’s second computer-based IELTS test centre opens at XJTLU

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University recently became a testing centre for the International Englis...

02 Mar 2022
Switching it up: Why some plants prefer hummingbirds, not bees

Switching it up: Why some plants prefer hummingbirds, not bees

Many plants require the help of animals such as bees, birds and bats to transfer their pollen bet...

25 Feb 2022
Best score ever: Undergraduates from XJTLU and UoL win second prize in RoboMaster 2021

Best score ever: Undergraduates from XJTLU and UoL win second prize in RoboMaster 2021

At the 2021 RoboMaster University Championship held in Shenzhen, G-Master, an international under...

13 Feb 2022
PhD students exchange enlightening ideas

PhD students exchange enlightening ideas

More than 200 PhD students from 26 universities in China and around the world exchanged ideas abo...

08 Feb 2022
​IBSS partners with World Benchmarking Alliance

​IBSS partners with World Benchmarking Alliance

This month, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University’s International Business School Suzhou (IBSS) be...

30 Nov 2021