The technological advancement of China is occurring at a rapid pace. To accommodate this unprecedented process, China is building massive new infrastructure projects, creating new industrial facilities each year. At the same time, the demand for an environment supported by sustainable living is increasing sharply.
Growth in these areas has to be delivered by suitably qualified graduates who understand the issues and are able to apply their academic knowledge in providing more environmentally friendly, energy-saving infrastructure. The Department of Civil Engineering aims to deliver those graduates.
The department has already attracted a healthy number of talented students at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The department aims to be internationally recognised as a first-class and dynamic department, highly committed to research and to providing excellent education and learning experience. Its goal is to develop into a leading research-driven educator for sustainable development in civil engineering.
The department has open scholarships for international students to study MSc Sustainable Construction through the Talent Selection Programme.
The technological advancement of China is occurring at a rapid pace. To accommodate this unprecedented process, China is building massive new infrastructure projects, creating new industrial facilities each year. At the same time, the demand for an environment supported by sustainable living is increasing sharply.
Growth in these areas has to be delivered by suitably qualified graduates who understand the issues and are able to apply their academic knowledge in providing more environmentally friendly, energy-saving infrastructure. The Department of Civil Engineering aims to deliver those graduates.
The department has already attracted a healthy number of talented students at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The department aims to be internationally recognised as a first-class and dynamic department, highly committed to research and to providing excellent education and learning experience. Its goal is to develop into a leading research-driven educator for sustainable development in civil engineering.
The department has open scholarships for international students to study MSc Sustainable Construction through the Talent Selection Programme.