ICE Student Chapter

ICE Student Chapter

Founded in January 1818 in London, the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) is an independent professional association representing civil engineering, which aims to “foster and promote the art and science of civil engineering”.

As a professional body, it is committed to supporting and promoting professional learning (both to students and existing practitioners), managing professional ethics and safeguarding the status of engineers, and representing the interests of the profession. It sets standards for, works with industry and academia to progress engineering standards, and advises on education and training curricula.

Under the guidance of ICE, and their local branch, a Student Chapter has been established at XJTLU, through which student members can gain more knowledge and experience. Through ICE, students are able to enlarge their network to international level, networking with professional engineers worldwide. The ICE Student Chapter guides student members to meet global demands and challenges in every aspect of civil engineering.

ICE shares knowledge with members and provides useful information to students for research-based projects.

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