Mailing Address
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
111 Ren’ai Road
Suzhou Industrial Park
Jiangsu Province
P. R. China
Telephone :+86 (0)512 8816 1000
Fax : +86 (0)512 8816 1899
Academic Departments (+86 512 -)
Advanced Technology, School of | 8816 7891 |
Architecture, Department of | 8816 1789 |
Biological Sciences, Department of | 8186 1211 |
Chemistry, Department of | 8816 1601 |
China Studies, Department of | 8897 3025 |
Chinese Cultural Teaching Centre | 8816 1276 |
Civil Engineering, Department of | 8816 1288 |
Environmental Sciences, Department of | 8188 0473 |
Film and TV Arts, School of | 8816 1206 |
Health and Environmental Science , School of | 8818 9093 |
International Business School Suzhou | 8816 1700 |
International Studies, Department of | 8188 9044 |
Language Centre | 8186 1392 |
Mathematics and Physics, School of | 8188 9104 |
Media and Communication, Department of | 88970261 |
Physical Education Centre | 8188 9093 |
School of Science | 8917 3918 |
Urban Planning and Design, Department of | 8818 4739 |
XJTLU Wisdom Lake Academy of Pharmacy | 8816 1211 |
XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang) | 8816 1361 |
Offices (+86 512 -)
8816 1889 (Admission) (Admission)
8816 7111 (Chinese and English)