Academy of Future Education

Academy of Future Education

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Learning to adapt as AI transforms education

Learning to adapt as AI transforms education

In a world full of ambiguity, uncertainty and changeability multiplied by digital technologies, a...

12 Apr 2023
XJTLU in the Media in January and February

XJTLU in the Media in January and February

During the past two months, XJTLU was mentioned in media reports from outlets including

14 Mar 2023
Ethnic minority parents want customised advice, research shows

Ethnic minority parents want customised advice, research shows

Over the last decade, parents have become increasingly aware of the importance of a child’s physi...

06 Mar 2023
Students discuss sustainability at Model APEC Conference

Students discuss sustainability at Model APEC Conference

A Year Four student at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University recently won an award at the 13th Asia...

23 Feb 2023
University of Liverpool Vice Chancellor's 2023 New Year Greeting

University of Liverpool Vice Chancellor's 2023 New Year Greeting

Dear President Xi, XJTLU Colleagues and Students, As we approach Chinese New Year and Spring F...

20 Jan 2023
XJTLU in the Media in December

XJTLU in the Media in December

During the past month, XJTLU was mentioned in media reports from outlets including Science and Te...

10 Jan 2023
SURFING IN THE NEW ERA:  A four-level framework to shape your life

SURFING IN THE NEW ERA: A four-level framework to shape your life

SURFING IN THE NEW ERA A four-level framework to shape your life Christmas and New Year's Lette...

22 Dec 2022
Can universities keep up with the fourth industrial revolution?

Can universities keep up with the fourth industrial revolution?

Years ago, when the Department of Translation and Interpreting was still under preparation, Profe...

16 Dec 2022
XJTLU in the Media in November

XJTLU in the Media in November

During the past month, XJTLU was mentioned in media reports from domestic outlets such as Peoples...

12 Dec 2022