Modern Languages Centre

Modern Languages Centre

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Global scholars explore technology’s effect on language education

Global scholars explore technology’s effect on language education

Generative AI could make second language learning unnecessary, some cultural commentators have su...

12 Jun 2024
Professor Qiuling Chao receives award at World Chinese Language Conference

Professor Qiuling Chao receives award at World Chinese Language Conference

Professor Qiuling Chao, Vice President for Student Affairs and Information at XJTLU, won the Outs...

21 Feb 2024
Real-life experiences boost Chinese language learning

Real-life experiences boost Chinese language learning

After three years of online teaching, this year's Chinese Language Summer School at Xi'an Jiaoton...

18 Sep 2023
Symposium at XJTLU focuses on learners’ autonomy

Symposium at XJTLU focuses on learners’ autonomy

Instead of fearing applications that create artificial intelligence-generated content (AIGC), lik...

24 Jun 2023
Chinese Language Day meets Suzhou culture

Chinese Language Day meets Suzhou culture

This year, the 14th United Nations Chinese Language Day and “Grain Rain” day both fell on 20 Apri...

16 May 2023
HSK test centre launched at XJTLU

HSK test centre launched at XJTLU

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University’s School of Languages launched a Chinese Proficiency Test Cen...

26 Oct 2021
Cultural Exploration: Chinese Language Summer School Online

Cultural Exploration: Chinese Language Summer School Online

Imagine exploring Lake Tai – one of China’s largest freshwater lakes. See the fishing villages sp...

04 May 2021