Industry Partnerships of the JITRI Academy

Industry Partnerships of the JITRI Academy

Since its establishment in 2019, the JITRI Academy of Industrial Technology has been utilising its internationalised research team and rich scientific research resources to collaborate with JITRI Professional Research Institutes and leading enterprises in establishing joint research teams. Together, we are conducting research on emerging and forward-looking leading technologies.

The JITRI Academy leverages the academic strengths and student resources of XJTLU, along with the research capabilities and industrial advantages of the JITRI Research Institutes to build close connection with the industry. Our main focus is to address common technical issues and major technological challenges in the industry, through collaborative research and development between the university and enterprises, as well as the transformation of research outcome into practical applications. Our goal is to establish a sustainable and mutually beneficial ecosystem for innovation, bringing together academia, industry and research at the JITRI Academy.

Segmentation of cooperation areas:

  • Advanced Materials
  • Information & Communication Technology
  • Manufacturing & Equipment
  • Biotechnology & Medicine
  • Energy & Environment Protection