
The Asia Insititute aims to create access to educational opportunities that were once unimaginable. The Asia Institute achieves this goal through its regional expertise and by integrating institutional partners’ ecosystems abroad, thus fostering the development of learning experiences that last a lifetime.
The Asia Institute leverage a unique and comprehensive regional network of private, public, not-for-profit and educational institutions. The Asia Institute develops innovative faculty-led short-term and immersive internship and career trek programs that fundamentally change how students perceive the world.
QTEM(Quantitative Techniques for Economics and Management,经济管理量化技术)硕士网络,创立于2012年,由伯恩海姆基金会(Bernheim Foundation)提供资金资助,是一个汇集优秀学生、顶级学术机构和国际企业的国际网络。目前已发展成为一个由全球20多所顶尖商学院汇聚的硕士网络。QTEM网络旨在通过搭建优秀学生、顶级学术机构、国际企业三者之间的桥梁培养具有全球视野和数量化分析能力的未来商业领导者。