Teaching Assistants in the Department of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Hub
The TA positions are open for all qualified interested graduate students (Masters and PhD students) on campus of XJTLU or other graduates in Suzhou or Taicang.
The TA positions are open for all qualified interested graduate students (Masters and PhD students) on campus of XJTLU or other graduates in Suzhou or Taicang.
Teaching Assistants in the Department of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Hub
Applications are invited for teaching assistant (TA) positions in the Department of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Hub at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU). The TA positions are open for all qualified interested graduate students (Masters and PhD students) on campus of XJTLU or other graduates in Suzhou. All applications will be considered by the recruiting panel which consists of two or more academic staffs in the Department.
XJTLU Master’s students, XJTLU PhD students, and postgraduate (Master’s and PhD) students from other universities
At the discretion of relevant academic units, XJTLU PhD students may be permitted to undertake the following additional responsibilities with appropriate training and guidance:
Modules Include
ENT103TC Creative Innovator’s Toolkit
ENT203TC Leadership and Communication
ENT302TC Cutting-edge Practice in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
ENT403TC Strategic Management
ENT405TC Workplacement
ENT409TC Business Startup
ENT412TC Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Skills and Knowledge
Excellent academic and practical experience background within the business domain. Able to multitask while helping with lesson preparation, including collecting materials and setting up equipment. Collaborating with the module leader to identify students’ issues and recommend solutions. Supervising students in class, between classes and during recreation periods. Knowledge of international business, leadership, innovation, entrepreneurship, digital technology, business ethics and corporate culture is a plus.
The pay rate for Academic Year 2024-25
How to apply
For XJTLU students, please apply for TA positions through the Teaching Assistant Management System(TAMS) https://ta.xjtlu.edu.cn directly. For other applicants, please submit the application to baoning.sun@xjtlu.edu.cn by 5pm, 1st Sept. 2024. Applicants are required to provide their CVs and academic transcripts of previous studies. The interview will be arranged later with decisions made within 2 weeks after the interview.