Fun with Learning: The XJTLU Student Research-led Learning Competition

- Headteacher Leadership Training for Primary & Secondary Schools Course
- Certificate in Teaching English for Academic Purposes Course
- Teaching with English as the Medium of Instruction Course
- Sustainable Development for Sino-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools Course
- Professional Development for Student Services Course
- Professional Development for Learning and Teaching Support Course
- Research-led training courses
- Education Leadership Excellence Courses
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ILEAD holds the research-led learning competition annually, which requires students to elaborate on how they apply the research-led leaning methods to address practical problems and put forward solutions based on their past learning experiences. This event discovers and promotes outstanding cases of research-led learning among XJTLU students. It aims to initiate and promote research-led learning methods and improve the learning efficiency of XJTLU students; thus, the practice of research-led learning at XJTLU can be demonstrated to both society and higher education as a whole, allowing for a broader impact.
In 2017, ILEAD held the Fun with Learning: the 1st XJTLU Student Research-led Learning Competition. Many research-led learning practices among 43 XJTLU students, under the guidance of teachers, were presented. These students applied research-led learning method to a variety of fields: the arts, sciences and engineering. ILEAD firmly supports research-led learning and its application for students in all subjects and study levels.