Institute of Leadership and Education Advanced Development

Since its establishment in 2006, XJTLU has strived to improve education, reshape teaching, and to redefine what universities can be despite the uncertainty, ambiguity, complexity and changeability of today’s world.

Institute of Leadership and Education Advanced Development

Since its establishment in 2006, XJTLU has strived to improve education, reshape teaching, and to redefine what universities can be despite the uncertainty, ambiguity, complexity and changeability of today’s world.

The Institute of Leadership and Education Advanced Development (ILEAD), founded in 2013, has become one of the leading institutions in promoting education reform and improving the leadership of education practitioners in China. It is dedicated to connecting education professionals who are passionate about innovation, and integrating education practice and theory.

In February 2018 ILEAD was made an official academic department of XJTLU, with the opportunity to develop and offer both masters and PhD degree programmes in education management. ILEAD also conducts research into and offers support for students’ learning, support for teacher development, training on professional competencies and leadership for education practitioners.

It is working to build a global community for education innovation and reform and the study of the future of universities.

Education innovation community

Community activities and a vibrant community of practice serve as the platform for discussing and promoting the reform and innovation of higher education. The university, education and teaching are confronted with a need for foundational transformation. FINE OUT MORE  


Profile and milestones

Profile and milestones

The Institute of Leadership and Education Advanced Development's core objective is to promote higher education reform in China and around the world.

Training and consultation

Training and consultation

Through its training, ILEAD aims to promote XJTLU’s explorations into new models of higher education and to expand the social influence of the University.

Leadership and education research

Leadership and education research

ILEAD is particularly strong in the areas of exploring future models of higher education, educational internationalisation, educational reform and leadership.

Research-led learning

Research-led learning

ILEAD aims to encourage students to adopt a “research-led” learning method, driven by problem-solving and inspiring student curiosity.

May HeXie Education Make You the Brightest Star

25 Jul 2022
May HeXie Education Make You the Brightest Star

Letter to female staff and students on International Women’s Day

08 Mar 2022
Letter to female staff and students on International Women’s Day

XJTLU 3rd in Chinese mainland’s young universities

24 Feb 2022
XJTLU 3rd in Chinese mainland’s young universities